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Advanced settings

  • You can change the settings for the basic features, paths, and mouse/keyboard.

Basic settings

  • You can manage the basic settings for the online store.
Recently viewed items
  • The recommended number of products to show as recently viewed product is between 1 and 5.
    1. When the number of recently viewed items exceed the recommended limit, the items will be cut off as the size of the list exceeds the screen resolution.
Store admin browser title
  • You can change the wording for the browser title for the store admin page.
Admin mode
  • You can set whether to use the Admin mode, which provides a link on the storefront for the admin to directly edit the pages on the store.
  • Even when the feature is \”enabled\”, the admin features will only show when accessed through the primary domain (id.cafe24shop.com).
Improve image loading speed on product details page
  • When the feature set as ‘Enable’, the image on the current page will show first instead of showing all the the images in the product details page.
  1. • Notes
  • This feature is useful for improving the image loading speed when there are multiple images to load. This feature is not recommended when there is just one large image.

Page paths

  • You can set the page path for each menu in the category.
  • You can connect the page links in Theme Store (PC) with the page links in Smart Themes here.
  • When you use new Smart Themes, the existing page links from Theme Store (PC) will be changed. You must enter the page paths here to connect your online store pages to the pages created in Smart Themes.
  • Make sure to match the addresses as when the customers enter your online store through advertisements or affiliate websites, the page will not load unless the links are interconnected.
  • There are two types of paths: required paths and general paths. Required paths can only be edited and not be deleted.
Product category paths
  • You can set the page path for each menu in the category.
Page paths
  • This feature prevents errors from occurring when [Themes] users switch to Smart Themes and alternate between the two.
    1. For example, when advertisements or campaign links on other websites are linked to the original pages, you can connect those page links with the pages in Smart Themes to direct the customers properly to the intended pages.
  • For each template, you can assign a role to the pages generated in Smart Themes.
  • The role is automatically assigned to a page when ‘automatic categorization’ was selected when the page was generated in Smart Themes. When the file was added from FTP, the role is assigned based on the modules used in the page.
  • When the auto-assigned role is different from the actual role of the page, you can add a page path to manually assign a role.
  1. [If you want to set a newly created page URL as a page path, you need to edit the theme manually. ]
  • The SEO settings for product category, product details, and board page will be applied to the pages that were assigned with such roles.
  • The primary path for a PC/mobile page will use the path of the main screen of each page.
  • Alternate URL for PC page: Primary path for mobile store
  • Canonical URL for mobile page: Primary path for PC store
  1. • What is alternate URL? It is a tag used to inform the search engine of the path of the mobile store page corresponding to the PC store page.
  1. • What is canonical URL? It is a meta tag used to inform the search engine of the primary URLs among multiple URLs directing to the same page.
  • The short URLs will direct the customers to the primary path.
  • The page path settings will also be applied to the mobile store.
Page paths
  • When you click [Add a page path] > [Manual input] > [Select] to set the page path, a pop-up window below will appear.
  • Select the page you want and click Add.


  • You can manage settings to enable/disable copying images and right-click context menu.
  • This feature is provided to prevent copying contents from your store without permission or illegally using them.
  • When you set each function as ‘able’, customer cannot copy and save images using this function.
Keyboard function keys (Ctrl)
  • Restrict using Ctrl + (N, R) function.
  1. • Ctrl + N: Open a new window from the current web browser.
  1. • Ctrl + R: Refresh the page